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Recently I found on old cartoon on a website called liketelevision. It was the 1953 Harveytoon "Hysterical History", one of those sing-along spoofs about American history. I was always facinated by the Pocahontas scene because she was so huge. But I remembered her as being as red as her father. Instead, she's white, and her hair's done in 1950's white female also! She can be depicted in Great Plains culture instead of Eastern Woodland, and speak that bad Indian-English, but she can't look like her people. Would anybody (I'm hoping for Archangeldreadnought) care to draw Disney's Pocahontas as equally huge, to set things right?

Kevin Dermody

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Any chance of a screen cap? I dont have a broadband connection (still on a dial-up)

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


What do you mean "sceen cap"? (Computer illiterate, here) If you mean how to find liketelevision, I type Hysterical History on the Search the Web area. (I have Comcast) The cartoon is listed for liketelevision on the first line of the second page of lists for that subject. Click on that and you'll go right to the bio for the cartoon, with a cell from the cartoon featuring Pocahontas herself, and Play This Cartoon sign to watch it.

Kevin Dermody