Looking for a story

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Looking for a story

I read this story a while ago, ound it using google, but now I can't find or remember what it is.

It was about a party that was going to happen and a couple friends come to help, and one of them (a girl) is a room blowing up balloons and one of them lets all the air back into her. Then later the other friend (a guy) comes in.

It's not a very good description, but i can't remember any more of it.

Anyone know what I'm blabbering on about?


I remember this one...can't remember what it's called. I think it was on the old site before it got remodeled.


Carrie and Tia's balloon party?


No, I looked up Carrie and Tia's balloon party, wasn't it.

If i can remember anything else i put it in.