Good inflation in video game

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Good inflation in video game

Just thought I would point this out since not its not that well known (at least I havent seen anything about it) In the game TimeSplitters 3 (great game even without the inflation bit) there is a weapon called the Injector gun, which fires needles that cause the target to swell up and explode! Its pretty good inflation too, especially with the women characters. For a neat effect there are cheats for fat characters and slow motion deaths, makes it looks like they are floating before they pop.


Only problem is, the only reason I would want to buy "Time Splitter: Future Perfect" would be for the inflation...if word of mouth is anything to go by the game in-and-of-itself is complete rubbish compared to the previous Time Splitter games in the series.


I never played any of the games, but I heard the series as whole are very good. And that the fat cheat is not as cool looking as the inflation gun effect.
And a little freebie for you guys: Pop the Cop . And for the record, no, its not mine, its a friends pic, and he dosent draw many women pics, so dont waste your time in the rest of the gallery, if you like more girls than guys :roll:


Hmm, I have a friend who has that game. I really ought to borrow it off of him =P Or maybe if someone can get some screencaps or something, that'd be just as good.


that Pop the Cop was a good pic