
What Constitutes an Ingredient

Inflation Types:

Stacky and TLink settle in for a relaxing day in the sun. But TLink's fresh lemonade has an unexpected effect on Stacky.

Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

It's Just a Little Gas

Sexual Content:

Courtney wanted to make sure everything went perfectly on her date. Unfortunately, she didn't get the news about the Beano recall.

Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Suit, The

Inflation Types:

Claire makes the best of a bad situation when her job requires her to wear a special mascot suit.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Unexplained Expansion 5

Inflation Types:

Annie awoke to the sound of her alarm clock, and stirred from her sleep. It was barely morning; the sun wasn’t even up yet. “What a weird dream,” she said to herself. The alarm sounded so far away, and almost as if it was beneath her. She groggily reached out to shut it off, but was surprised to find that her hand hit only air. Her eyes fluttered open, and she screamed at the sight in front of her. Firstly, her boobs were enormous. Second, they were touching the ceiling, which meant she was floating. It wasn’t a dream, she thought to herself with a gasp. What am I going to do now?

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Claire 2: Sam's Birthday

Sexual Content:

The lights at their table were dim. Steve and Claire were having a quiet dinner together. The waiter filled their wine glasses and faded away. Both were partially done their fish and chatting softly.

"I felt I was right to kick those guys out of the restaurant. I mean they were loud, rude, and were disturbing the other customers and their children." Claire stated.

Steve nodded. "I totally agree with you Claire. So what's the problem?"

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Bomb Belly Al Bhed

Inflation Types:

Insert typical declaimer here. Yea…so I’m your author or storyteller even for this evening, or day, or whatever time it is when you read these things. The following situation is fiction. The characters are copy right of square enix. So don’t sue me. Not that they'd ever find this stuff. Anyway…. On to the story!

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

The Air Potion, Part 4

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“Honey, guess what I found!”  John exclaimed, rushing into the bedroom where I lay reading.  I was only wearing my panties and a tank top, just lounging around reading my book, and I sat up and covered myself as he came bursting through the door.  “What are you so excited about?”  I asked him, surprised.  I relaxed a little as I saw he was alone, but was curious about the small, green glass vial he held in his hand.

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)


Inflation Types:

“So I’m an embarrassment, Steve? I embarrass you?” Anne smirked angrily over her shoulder at Steve, who looked extremely pleased with himself.

“Yep. That’s exactly it. Every time I turn around, you’re doing something to make me look stupid. But, you’re not just an embarrassment,” he began, almost savoring the words, “Anne, you’re a joke.”

Average: 4 (7 votes)

Unbelievable Growing Woman, The


or, "With Just One Breath, Do I Inflate!"

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)

Minimum Wage, part 4.1: Fashion Model

It seemed as though Mai's star couldn't rise any higher. After her freak accident trip to the States, she had been an unknown, working lingerie catalogs at the margins of the industry like most "petite" models. Then, in a flash of inspiration, she had discovered a way to increase her bust size without the need for dangerous and illegal breast implants. Her new voluptuous figure had propelled her into the highest tiers of the business, where her Japanese grace and poise gave her a decided advantage over the balloon-brained bimbos she had passed on the way to the top.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)
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