Butt Inflation

i make this look good

i make this look good
Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

your butt was huge

your butt was huge
Average: 4.3 (20 votes)

Blowing the Audition, part 1

"I got a callback mom!" A young brunette girl said, jumping up and down ecstatically on the phone, her C cups bouncing with every jump. The 20 year old girl, Blaire had auditioned several weeks ago for a new show going up Off-Broadway. All she knew about the show was that it was an absurdist theatre production where the actors and actresses would have to pass several different tests if they got a call back.

"I'm so proud of you hun! Don't stress yourself out too much, you want to be focused for this, it's your big day!" Blaire's mom said proudly.

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

More Marcy

This one's nothing special; just Marcy sitting with her huge hourglass figure looking very pleased.

Marcy, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

More Marcy
Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

Sorceress’ Apprentice, The

Shalandra waited patiently under the covers, not daring to move a muscle. When at last she heard Mistress begin to snore, she carefully climbed out of bed, threw on a dress, and crept quietly out of the bedroom.

Average: 3.5 (10 votes)

Emergency Escape Enchantment

Being a mercenary for hire was always an interesting job. The work took you to many strange and facinating places. Unfortunately, it also took you some very dark and unwelcome places.

Such as the inescapable, direbadger filled canyon swordsman Flint Ironstag and his mage partner Haruka Ariadust had found themselves trapped in.

It had started like a routine quest, some old fart requesting they check out an old temple, find the treasure within, and bring it back to the starving villiage so the townsfolk could buy some food. Pretty simple really.

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

Elegant Balloon

And here's another fine gal wearing a fancy dress. But how fancy is it? Every time she puffs herself up with breaths of air, the sleeve shoulders also inflate like balloons! How cool is that?

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

(Note: There was a background for this image, but it looks like it's making the file too big so I'm uploading the version without. The one with it can be found on my dA.)

Elegant Balloon
Average: 3.4 (13 votes)

Becky's Butt Inflation

Inflation Types:

Nice Butt!

Becky's Butt Inflation
Average: 1.4 (7 votes)

Surprise Inflation Part 2

Inflation Types:

There goes the butt! :D

Surprise Inflation Part 2
Average: 1.7 (6 votes)

Resourceful Exorcist, The

The shrouded figure approached walked down the long, cracked sidewalk, stepping over the exposed old oak roots. St. Ignuitius's was just up ahead. the shrouded figure stopped under one of the suburban street lights, passed by a thick mist.

Shortly after, it was knocking at the door. Commotion could be heard from inside. After a short wait, the door creaked open.

"Are you the one we called?" asked an old nun. The shrouded figure pulled off the hood to reveal the short blonde hair of a girl wearing a preacher's collar.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)
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