Score One for the Balloon Girl

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"I have had it with her!"

When Helia screams like that, it means that she had a run in with Arlene. I came out of the kitchen just in time to see Helia's favorite lycra top give up the ghost, and explosively release her well over 68GG bustline. I had to duck to keep from getting hit in the eye by the elastic shrapnel.

"Oh wow," I said finally, "What happened?"

"I ran into Arlene in the mall," Helia said, "And when I wasn't looking, she dumped a whole tube of powdered Alka-Seltzer tablets into my soda. Before I knew it my boobs were trying to burst out of my top, then my shorts split down the crotch because my butt begins to swell. By the time I got to the exit, I could barely fit through the door."

"Are you alright?" I asked. Helia shook her head. "No, I'm not, Strig," she said, "I'm still blowing up." As Helia said this, her belly surged out from beneath her swelling breasts. "I had to drink that whole soda," she grumbled as, suddenly, her cute feet left the floor. "Eeek, what's happening?"

"The gas inside of you must be warmer that the air in the room," I said, "So you're floating." I grabbed Helia's ankle and slowly towed her to the guestroom where I was staying. I then took the weight from a mylar Pokemon balloon and tied it to her ankle with some of the balloon's ribbon. It kept her from floating away, though her breasts were still eye level with me.

"Now what am I gonna do," asked Helia, "It's gonna take me all day to deflate."

"Well, you can mope about it," I said, "Or you can teach Arlene a lesson."

"Whatcha got in mind?" she asked.

I gave her a devilish grin and picked up the phone.

One of the reasons that I was staying with Helia was that we had a friend in common. Stephen Hines was an high school buddy of mine who was always finding new ways to make ultimate mischief. When he was seventeen, he inherited a company, Juniper Chemicals, and headed up their orphan R&D department. That means finding uses for products that seemingly have no use.

Helia dated Steve for a while. After we met over the Internet, Helia told me that she knew Steve, and I was anxious to see my old high school buddy again. After I arrived in New York, Helia wouldn't hear of me staying in a motel, so she offered me her guestroom, and I had dinner with the two of them that night. The dinner conversation soon turned to business, and Stephen told us of some of the projects his department was putting together. Remembering last night's conversation, I decided to give Stephen a call, and ask him for a couple of favors. I told him what we wanted to do and he said that he had just what we needed.

After I got through talking to Stephen, Helia called for her friend, Maggie, to come over. Maggie was a petite blonde who looked like she had a touch of Helia's condition herself, as her FF cup breasts slowly swayed from side to side, and occasionally bumped against her chin.

We had Maggie call Arlene's apartment, saying that she was the receptionist for a therapeutic massage parlor. Maggie told Arlene that: she had been chosen for a free home demonstration, asked if she would prefer a masseuse or a masseur, and what time would be good for her. With this information in hand, we took my old four door Pinto (because it was the only car Helia would fit her ballooned self into at the time) and quickly headed for Stephen's lab.

Stephen had all of the stuff that we needed ready and waiting for us in an aluminum briefcase and a duffel bag. Stephen gave a low whistle when he saw Helia. "Wow," he said, "She really blew you up, didn't she?"

"Yeah," replied Helia sternly, "And this is the fourth time she's done it. I won't even tell you about the time she trapped me in her apartment."

"Wow," Stephen repeated, "Everything you need is in here, the tank is in the duffel, and the gel, the cream, and the putty are in the case. It should be a memorable event."

"It'll be a gas alright," Helia quipped, and then she smacked her lips. "Stephen, do you have anything to drink? I'm suddenly thirsty."

"That wasn't nice, Helia," I said as we drove out of the plant's parking lot.

"Well, he should have thought before offering me a Coke," replied Helia, between sips of bottled water.

"You didn't have to dump it down his pants, Helia," I said, pulling the Pinto up in front of a custom clothing shop. Twenty minutes later I had a pair of T-shirts with the name Blair's Therapeutic Massage embroidered on the pocket. I had deliberately gotten Maggie's shirt a size too small so it would look like a first day on the job sizing mistake. So, with one more stop, we would be ready for our little visit to Arlene's apartment this evening.

I knocked on the door of Arlene's apartment. "Yes," she said as she opened the door, "Oh, the people from the massage parlor! I completely forgot." A sour look came over her face as she saw Maggie in her too small shirt. "Have we met?" she asked Maggie.

"I don't think so," said Maggie, "This is my first day." Arlene just shrugged it off as deja-vu.

We brought in a rented massage table and unfolded it. I then handed Arlene a sheet, and asked her to disrobe. Arlene set the sheet on the couch and took her clothes off right there in the living room. She then draped the sheet over her front and laid down on the table.

"Cream, please, Maggie," I asked as I pulled on a pair of surgeons rubber gloves. Maggie popped the locks on the case and handed me the cream that Stephen had given us. It caused the skin to absorb air through osmosis and allow the cells to expand as much as necessary to hold all the air they absorbed. The more air, the more the cells would expand.

"Cream?" asked Arlene, raising up on the table "I thought you were supposed to use oil?"

"Less to clean up this way," said Maggie handing me the plastic bottle. I squeezed a thin line of the cream down Arlene's back, and began to rub it in deeply.

"What's with the gloves?" asked Arlene. I raised my hand. "Our boss is a little over concerned," I explained, "He thinks that because his dentist wears these things we should too."

"Oh," said Arlene. Maggie took another bottle of the same cream and began to work on Arlene's bottom and legs. Arlene began to sigh and coo as I rubbed my hands over her back and sides. I could feel Arlene's skin begin to firm and tighten as the cream began to take effect. I rubbed more of the cream around Arlene's neck and arms, and even managed to get some of it on her belly and the sides of her breasts, just enough to get the job done. As Maggie finished up with Arlene's legs, I pulled another plastic bottle out of the case.

This bottle was filled with a powerful topical anesthetic gel. I donned a fresh pair of rubber gloves, and slathered a good-sized dollop onto her back. Maggie cleaned up, and put the cream and the gel bottle back into the case as I finished rubbing the last of the gel into Arlene's skin. Maggie helped Arlene off the table and wrapped the sheet around her body. As I folded up the table, Maggie took Arlene into her bedroom and shut the door. As we left Arlene's apartment, phase one of our plan had been completed. Now one of us would go get Helia while the other watched the apartment and make sure Arlene didn't leave. Maggie won the toss.

The sun was just about down when Maggie returned with Helia. Helia's breasts were still a lot fuller than usual so she had the sheet draped over her. The three of us went into the apartment with the duffle and the briefcase, as well as Arlene's house key Maggie snuck from her purse.

"You think she's asleep, Strig?" asked Helia. I nodded. "She should be," I said, "I used enough of that gel on her." Maggie unlocked the door to Arlene's apartment and let the three of us inside. We found Arlene in her bedroom, asleep. She was dressed in a red nightie with pink lacey panties. We carefully set the duffel and the briefcase on the floor. Unzipping the duffel bag I pulled out a tank of helium, and attached a hose to the valve. At the other end was a metal tube stuck in the end of the hose. I took a can of putty from the briefcase and molded it around the metal tube. Then, with Maggie's help, I placed the tube in Arlene's mouth and gently closed her jaw so her teeth were deeply fixed in the putty.

The putty was Stephen's answer to wiring a person's mouth shut when they broke their jaw. Whenever the putty came into contact with the enzymes in a person's saliva, it would harden and bind to whatever was stuck into it, namely a person's teeth. The problem though, was that it would only hold for a couple of hours, but that was long enough for what we wanted it for. After the putty had set, Helia gave the valve on the tank a gentle twist, and we slowly began to hear the gas from the tank trickle into Arlene's slim body.

We watched as Arlene began to develop a potbelly beneath her nightgown. Helia gave the valve another turn, causing Arlene to inflate quicker. As her belly began to look like she was decently pregnant, Arlene's thighs became turgid and began to grow more cone-like. Slowly, Arlene continued to grow bigger and bigger, her bottom began to look like two halves of a swelling beach ball. Arlene's belly had swollen up to the size of a Guiness book pumpkin. Arlene's breasts though were the last thing to balloon up. They started off a small B cup, but slowly they grew larger and larger, swelling up to a DD just on the brink of becoming an EEE. We sat on the floor and watched as Arlene's bustline expanded its way through the alphabet, and beyond. Slowly Arlene's breasts began to bulge against her chin. Probably thinking she was having a wonderful dream, Arlene's eyes drifted opened and looked over at the three of us.

"Uh-oh," said Arlene around her mouthful of putty, "Mmime im ruble rnt mi."

"You might say that," said Helia, "Because of what you did in the mall today, you blew up my favorite top. It's still lying in pieces in my living room."

"Oopf," said Arlene, "Mmime forry." Suddenly Arlene spit the putty out of her mouth, the green glob crumbled into powder. I quickly turned off the helium tank to keep from losing any of the gas. Arlene drifted over to her mirror to look at herself. "Wow," she said, "This feels so good, I don't understand why you don't like it."

"When the slightest thing makes you balloon up," said Helia, "It gets kind of old. Especially when the slightest thing is your friend's envious roommate."

"Okay," said Arlene "You made your point. No more practical jokes. Umm, the girls are coming over next Friday, you want to go for another balloon ride?"

"What?" said Helia sternly.

"We draw straws to see who gets to be the balloon, okay?" amended Arlene.

"Okay," said Helia. The two of them had buried the hatchet, I was just glad it wasn't in in each other's head. "Next Friday then."

"Right," said Arlene, she looked over at the tank of helium, "Umm, is there any gas left in that tank?" I molded a new mouthpiece over the metal tube, and gently placed it in Arlene's mouth. "Knock yourself out," I said. As we left her apartment, Arlene turned on the valve again and felt the pressure begin to build inside her again.

As she was about to leave, Maggie looked back inside Arlene's apartment.

"Umm, would you guys pick me up tomorrow?" asked Maggie.

"Sure," I said. Maggie smiled at me and then ducked back into the apartment. When I looked at Helia, she simply said, "Maggie likes big women."

"Oh," I said as we got into the elevator, "Do you know where we can pick up a tank of helium."

"Certainly," said Helia, "But why?"

"Because," I said kissing her on the cheek, "I like big women too."


I really would have liked Strig to continue on with this tale with what he did to me with the air tank. It was quite fun though things became a little loud...that is, when I became a bit too big for the room we were in.

Anyway, Arlene and I are the best of friends now. Unfortunately, now the annoying girl keeps bugging me about either blowing me up or blwoing her up to super sizes. With her, it takes much work and preparation and she finds it much easier to pull tricks on me that end up making me Miss Enormo. She might be nicer to me but she's just as sneaky and mischievous as ever.



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