Dress for Excess

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I hate to admit it, but I am a clothes horse. I love going out and buying the newest fashions, be they slinky evening wear or stylish leisure wear. On one shopping expedition I found an adorable rainbow-hued tight evening outfit. The material was a soft lycra dyed in horizontal levels of blue, green, magentas and more. I knew horizontal stripes don't hide signs of LARGENESS very well, but I didn't care--in my case, there's no way to hide things when they grow to incredible sizes far beyond normal anyway.

I debuted the outfit at an outdoor beach party. A friend's coworker's parents owned a cottage that overlooked the ocean, and the weekend's weather was warm. It was a marvelous party with a huge crowd, and I enjoyed sipping champagne. Well, that's not entirely accurate--in truth, glass after glass of the stuff was flowing quite unyieldingly down my throat. I became slightly intoxicated and subsequently very giggly.

I spotted a guy at the party I liked and started following him, tripping out onto the wood deck that overlooked the water. I made my way over to one end of the deck, leaning against the rail for balance. Another glass of bubbly was offered to me, but my stomach was feeling odd. I tried to pass it up, but by that time, I lacked the self-control and took the champagne anyway. I knew I should not have even raised it to my lips, for as I began to drink that one last glass of gassy carbonated bubbly glass of champagne I felt a particular sensation spreading throughout my body.

My first sip made my chest quiver.

The second sip started the front of the tight colorful outfit to stretch.

The third sip pushed the sides of the dress out and forward as my breasts started to expand with air.

People stopped and stared as I smiled and took a fourth sip, then another, each swallow of bubbly liquid going down and the released air going right to my bosom.

Tipsy and feeling a bit naughty, I put the glass to my ruby red lips and drained the whole glass in one greedy gulp. Quickly setting the glass down, I stood there with arms down leisurely at my sides and watched as the front of the stretchy striped ballooned up with my expansive breasts. I didn't expect such a reaction from the beverage, nor did I expect my own aroused state. I let out a little gasp as my gigantic boobs blasted outward, bigger and bigger. People exchanged concerned looks as this girl before them became larger and larger, swelling up by the second. The guy I was interested in stared, eyes as big as saucers, at my monstrously swelling bust. The horizontal striped dress bulged further and further outward and suddenly I was concerned for the limits of its elasticity.

Finally my swelling balloon of a bust stopped inflating. I stood there, teetering on my tippy toes from the intoxicating effect of the bubbly wine. My breasts loomed out before me, each at least two feet in diameter--certainly wider than my body! I smiled drunkenly at everyone. The guy I had my eye on had disappeared from the deck crowd. I felt sad, thinking maybe he wasn't into girls with humongous breasts. I had let myself go, overdone it, and now I was alone in a crowd of people murmuring to each other while giving me disapproving, sidelong glances. And I was stuck for the time being, in my ballooned-up dress, barely containing my ballooned-up breasts, at a party where obviously no one appreciated my gifts.

My frown faded when the cute guy I was after stepped back out onto the deck--carrying two full champagne bottles. A big smile lit his handsome face.

My rainbow-hued horizontal striped dress was due for the REAL test.

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