Truth or Dare, Part 1

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Or "Do You Confess?"

A lot of guys would love to play Truth Or Dare with four foxy cheerleaders. But after three rounds, Dave had eaten nachos that were dropped in the cat box, sniffed a girl's sweaty gym shoes, and endured a nipple-twisting from every other participant. He would have thought by now that one of the girls would have suggested something sexual. But as his nipples continued to seethe, Dave decided, screw it: next time, he was going for a Truth.

The four other participants always chose Truth when it was his turn, so he never got to ask one girl to make out with another. And their Truths were always boring: who they had crushes on (never Dave), how they cheated on their diets, etc. It really would have been nice to see them tongue-kiss, too, because every girl had something to offer.

There were two brunettes, Laura and Julie; and two blondes, Jennifer and Robin. Each girl seemed to be wearing what suited their fit, sculptured bodies best: Robin and Julie wore their cheerleader outfits that exposed their long slender legs; Laura wore her low-cut halter top, showing off her mature mammaries; and Jennifer, God bless her, wore her tightest jeans, which rode up her shapely rear.

Jennifer gave him pause when he considered a Truth, because Jennifer, even by teenage-girl standards, was a notorious gossip. Nothing he said tonight would be guaranteed to remain private, no matter what oaths they took. Oh, sure, he could make up a Truth, but he wasn't that creative. And besides, ...

What if he did tell the Truth? THE Truth?!

He began to think about it--what would happen if he told them his deepest desire, the one thing he thought about every day of his life, his whole reason for being? To his surprise, the thought began to arouse him. It would be so completely, utterly humiliating! As he considered it, the blood began racing from his brain and into his crotch, clouding his judgement. It began to sound like a good idea: He would confess everything, no matter what the outcome! YES!

Laura turned to him, aware but unconcerned that Dave was staring at her chest. "Your turn, Dave. Truth or Dare?"


"It better be a good one," Julie griped, summing up the disappointment they were feeling at past Truths.

"It is."

"Go for it," said Robin.

Dave took one last long look around the table, looking at the young, buxom, shapely, nubile specimens of men's fantasies, and his pants throbbed with anticipation. His reason was totally gone, and he blurted it out before he could recover his senses:

"I wish I were a balloon."

Well, that was a conversation stopper. Even casual movement like blinking stopped at that moment. The four babes looked at him in a mixture of apprehension and confusion.

Finally, Jennifer broke the silence, sensing a new topic around school on Monday. "Say what?"

"I want to be a balloon," Dave proclaimed, a little more confidently. Well, it was out there now--there was no turning back, his secret was out! He quickly went on, not pausing to think about exactly what he was revealing: "I wish the four of you could blow me up like a balloon, until I was huge and full and round." He swallowed. "I'd be nothing more than a huge beachball for you to play with; I'd be totally helpless as you played with me, and bounced me around, and taunted me like I was nothing but an inflatable pool toy!" His voice grew louder, and it shook slightly as the rest of his body trembled. "And there was absolutely nothing I could do about it! You girls would laugh and laugh as you inflated me bigger, bigger, bigger! I'd be the biggest balloon you ever saw, but it wouldn't be enough for you! You'd all inflate me more and more, and I'd be totally helpless, begging you to stop cuz I'm afraid I'll burst, but you just keep blowing me up and blowing me up and I'd get so big and you'd laugh and laugh and I'd keep inflating and inflating until I just knew I was about to burst but you don't stop and keep making me bigger and bigger and bigger until--BOOM!! I popped like balloon and you all just laugh as I'm blown to bits!!"

He gasped for air. Another moment of silence followed, as the girls' eyes turned slowly toward one another.

And then they burst out laughing.

He didn't think it was all THAT funny, but they whooped it up for a good couple of minutes. Dave sat beet-red, so warm from his complete humiliation that the heat was just radiating from him. He felt a faint wet spot in his crotch and hoped that no one would ask him to stand up in the near future.

Jennifer seemed to be having a particularly good time, laughing until she cried. Oh, God!, he thought. She would tell EVERYONE about this at school! He may as well have advertised it in the New York Times! The realization of just how much he had humiliated himself began to sink in, and his stomach felt hollow.

The game continued, but only after a good half-hour of inflation jokes at Dave's expense. He eventually lost his erection but remained red with humiliation for quite some time, wallowing in the Pandora's box he'd opened.

Finally--finally!--it was time to move on, and it was Jennifer's turn to ask something of Robin. "Robin: Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to..." Jennifer smiled broadly as she thought about it. "I dare you to blow Dave up with the tire pump."

Dave's eyes widened. "What?!"

Robin and the others began laughing again. "Let's do it!" Robin agreed.

"Uh, just a second," Dave countered. "Isn't that more a dare on MY part?"

"What do YOU care, balloon-boy?" Laura teased, slapping him on the shoulder. "It's what you wanted!"

"Why don't we just forget I said anyth--" His sentence was drowned out by the girls' giggling as Laura and Julie grabbed each of his arms, Jennifer pushing him from behind, forcing him outside and into the garage. Robin quickly unwrapped the hose to a motorized pump. "You don't really think you can inflate me, do you?" he asked incredulously.

"Have you ever tried it?" Robin asked.

"Well, no, but--"

"BLOW HIM UP!" Julie called out, and the issue was settled.

The girls continued giggling as they lifted Dave's shirt and stuck the hose into his navel. "Oh, come on!" he said. "The air can't even get into me that way."

"Would you rather we shove it up your butt or down your throat?" Laura asked.

Dave shut up and watched Robin turn on the pump.

And to the amazed and amused stares of the cheerleaders, Dave inflated like a tire.

First his body swelled up like he had gained a hundred pounds in an instant, but then his belly blew outward from under his shirt, which tore as his sides also ballooned outward, his middle becoming more ball-shaped. His plumped-up arms and legs became shorter and smaller in proportion to the rest of his body. Like the girls, he was too fascinated by his cartoonish appearance that he couldn't even speak. As he swelled up bigger and bigger, it finally dawned on him: HE WAS A BALLOON!

If he had known it was this easy, he would have spent many hours alone in the garage with a tire pump. But then he realized something else: He needed someone else to turn off the pump, because his arms could no longer bend, even if he could reach around his round, bloated body. In minutes, he had no arms or legs at all, just stubby hands and feet sticking out of his circular form. When he realized how big he was getting, he started to panic a little. "Okay! That's enough!"

"Turn it off!" shouted Julie. "He'll POP!"

Robin tried, but she couldn't turn the handle. "It's stuck!"

"Hurry!" said Laura. "He's gonna burst!"

Jennifer just laughed.

Dave didn't see the humor in the situation. Sure, he always dreamed of inflating till he burst--but this was the real thing! He was really a balloon out of control, getting unceasingly larger and fuller!

Finally, the handle turned, and the air pump stopped. Dave bobbed a bit in place, as if his body was daring him to breathe deeply and cause himself to burst.

Jennifer stepped up to him and ran her hand over his curved surface. Dave couldn't believe the wave of pleasure that her touch induced--it was as if his pleasure receivers increased with his size. Her touch, along with the glorious air pressure inside him, produced unprecedented ecstasy.

Soon, the other girls followed Jennifer's example, running their hands over him to see what a human balloon felt like. Dave's eyes rolled back in luxurious delirium. God, it was GREAT to be a balloon!!

"I got an idea," said Jennifer, and it had to be the first one to ever enter her ditzy head. She opened the garage door and said, "Help me roll him outside."

They did so, and Dave was so huge that he almost didn't clear the doorway. But they pushed him out onto the driveway, and Jennifer turned to Laura. "Let's do that jumping move we practiced." Laura got it; and soon, she hoisted Jennifer up onto her shoulders, and Jennifer fell backward, her lovely tight butt heading right for the center of Dave's gut. Her butt sank into his midsection, and he exhaled heavily but reveled in the sensation of Jennifer's tight bottom on his exposed flesh. Then she bounced upward as his elasticity came into play, and she shot into the air, did a flip, and landed gracefully on the asphalt.

"He's like a trampoline!" Jennifer proclaimed, and hilarity ensued once again.

Soon the other girls were bouncing on him as well, and he intensely felt their every movement every time their bodies met his: He felt Robin's and Julie's shapely legs slide off his body; he felt Laura's developed breasts rubbing against him; he felt Jennifer's tight ass press deeply into him. He would have thought he was dreaming if the pleasure he felt wasn't so overwhelmingly real.

Eventually, though, Jennifer noticed something. "We've squeezed a lot of air out of him," she observed, pushing her hand into him (wonderful!) but finding a lot less resistance than before.

Robin shrugged. "Let's just pump him up again."

Laura asked Dave, "Are you ready to be pumped up again?" It clearly didn't matter to them if Dave were ready or not.

But Dave was. He was eager to be blown up more. So eager was he, and so single-minded were the girls, that they forgot all about the sticky handle.

Robin stuck the hose in his navel and turned on the pump. Dave felt himself swelling again, getting bigger as all balloons should, nothing but a helpless balloon toy for these four shapely females... Nothing, but nothing, could spoil this moment.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The four girls turned to see Robin's boyfriend Vince show up. Dave would have shaken his head if he had a neck. Not Vince! Not NOW! He was having the time of his life with these girls, and he didn't want it to end--or have to share it with anyone. He didn't even like Vince to begin with, as the guy was a notorious bully who gave more than his share of abuse to Dave over the years.

"Vince!" said Robin. "Look at Dave! He's a balloon!"

"Dave?" Vince asked puzzledly, looking at the giant balloon. "Holy shit! That balloon is Dave?!"

"We blew him up with the air pump," Jennifer explained and laughed.

"And he let you do that to him? Why?!"

Dave winced. Oboy, here it comes.

"HE WANTED TO BE A BALLOON." She didn't say it all that loud, but to Dave, it seemed as if Jennifer could be heard in Zaire.

Vince buckled over in laughter. "Oh, god! You gotta be kidding!!"

While this was going on, the pump continued to run, pushing Dave farther and farther outward, slowly but surely expanding him larger and larger. He felt himself getting warmer, but he wasn't sure if it was from the increased internal pressure or from the overpowering embarrassment he felt at that moment.

"He deflated a bit," Laura explained, "so we're pumping him up again."

"That's probably enough," Julie said. "He's even bigger now than before!"

Robin smiled. "Let's see how big he can get!"

Laura's jaw dropped. "Robin! You can't pop him!"

Vince shrugged. "Why not? He wanted to be a balloon, and that's what balloons do! They get blown up until they POP!"

As they talked, Dave grew and grew... and grew... and grew...

Laura stood stunned at Dave's size. "Uh, guys? Seriously! We gotta stop the pump or he's gonna burst!"

"So?" Vince asked.

Robin tried turning off the pump. "Oh my god. It's stuck again!"

Dave let out a little yelp, but no one heard.

"Let me help," said Vince, taking Robin's place at the pump. He put his hand on the handle. Then he cranked it to full blast and pulled it off the pump, making it useless. "There you go!" Vince joked. "All fixed!" He chuckled and hurled the broken handle into the yard.

"Vince! You're such a brat!" Robin said and slapped his shoulder lightly. But she sounded a lot more amused than annoyed.

Dave was so big and round that he could no longer see the action--he had to go by the sound of their voices, and he didn't like what he heard.

"Oh my god! We can't stop it! He's gonna explode!"

The girls all ran away from Dave and the pump, taking shelter from the side of the garage, tho they poked around the corner to see Dave's progress. They watched him swell and swell and swell.

Finally it occurred to one of them. "The hose!" Julie said. "Someone disconnect the hose!"

But by this time, Dave was as big as the house.

"I'm not going near him!" Robin said. "He's gonna blow soon!"

"This was your idea," Laura said to Jennifer. "You do it!"

"Forget it! You do it!"

They argued amongst themselves about whose responsibility it was to approach Dave to remove the pump. They all agreed it was Vince's, but he wasn't budging.

"Vince! He'll explode!"

"Let him!"

Dave couldn't believe his ears. "Someone unplug me now!" he called out, but it was too late. The girls were to afraid of getting near him in case he blew. They could have disconnected the pump all during the time they were arguing, but the time had passed. And now he was bigger than the house, inflating ever bigger into the night sky. He felt the pressure reaching the unbearable point. The cheerleaders and Vince just stood watching Dave expectantly, anticipating the inevitable moment. And he felt it coming.

But he had to admit: It wasn't a bad way to go. His only regret was that he wouldn't be able to hear their laughter once he burst...

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