Halloween Blows (Up)

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It was Halloween, my favorite time of the year. Where you get to scare the crap out of people for no reason, eat as much candy as you want, and you can dress as whoever you want. Well not this Halloween.

I was just at the front door ready to exit the house. I was invited to one of the biggest parties of the year held by the most popular kids at my school, Kayla, Tanya, and Sasha. I usually dont get invited to parties but when I got the invite I flipped out. Kayla does a theme every year. This years theme... Superheroes/heroines. In every invite your supposed to get which person/thing your going as. For some odd reason I got Raven which would be uncomfortable and cold considering it was only supposed to get 39 degrees. That would put me in a rubber 1 peice bikini, a cloak, and boots. However I was so pumped I never questioned it. The black 1 peice clung to my body like... well... rubber.
It showed off my D-Cup breasts and butt. The dark cloak brought out my bright blue eyes. I wouldnt admit I was more beutiful than The sisters, but I definitly outmatched them in bustiness.

I had everything to go. I was in my costume and I got my invite and started walking down the street. Thats when I met up with my friend Trisha. By the looks of it she was dressed like Zatanna. She looked about as sexy as me and by the looks of it our outfits were made of the same material. It was akward but we continued along talking about how our midterms are stressing out and trying to conceal any discomfort from wearing the rubber swimsuit.

We made it with a second to spare as kids of all ages and heights went up to the door. When Kayla laid her eyes on me when I passed she flashed a grin, A grin that I knew too well, Her "Im up to no good grin." She took my invite and let me in. And honestly, If I knew what was coming, I would have gone home and went to bed.
About an hour in she asked me to come outside and to leave the cloak inside. The moment I stepped outside Tanya and Sasha had grabbed me from behind and walked me around the side of the house. Where oddly a stage was set up and tons of people were sitting in the stands, Yet there was no music to be heard.

Thats when I was told I was gonna compete in her yearly contest, which meant you were blown up like a water balloon in front of your entire school and you had no say if you wanted to or not. But if you kept from bursting you won $500 bucks.. cash.

Thats when I felt something pull up the rubber suit from my butt and something cold and hard slide up my ass. The water house. When I tried to pull it out though my arms where impeded by the two other girls holding them to my sides. Thats when the water started up. I moaned as my belly bloated to that of a woman 1 month pregnant, then 2. My stomach sloshed with water as it reached the size of full term with twins and beyond. Then my ass and hips joined the party as they filled with water two. I would of enjoyed the sensation if the water wasnt freezing cold. By the time my belly was 7 feet across and my butt was as big as a park bench I felt my breasts start to swell too, from D cup to E cup and so on. THe rubber swimsuit was skin tight before, but now it felt like it was bursting at the seams.

Then I felt my arms swell up too. Tanya and Sasha has long since let go of me but now it was impossible to move my water bloated arms. My body was now rounding out at 15 ft and thats when I feel the water starting to swell my cheeks. Honestly I was about to cry. I just kept expanding the, black swimsuit now formed around my water-logged ball of a body. When I was about 40 feet across I felt the hose come out of my ass and someting big and papery shoved in my right hand. Then the sisters (plus their boyfriends) rolled me over to the front of the house and down the street to my house. Where they left me in the front lawn and let nature take its course. The next day I woke up still pretty bloated, but  have regained my ability to walk where I walked into my house and shit the rest of the water out. Later that day I saw that someone had filmed me inflating and posted it on YouTube. Of course though that night was also the best night of my life as it showed my my greatest pleasure. To inflate like a balloon.

Author's Note: 

No bashful comment. Suggestions for improvment are apprieciated though

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