Call of the Slime Queen II, The

Date Written: 

After Maldelya had been changed into a slime girl she was immobilized on her huge belly of slime. She kicked her fat legs and swag her fat arms but she couldn’t move. She didn’t know how the Slime Queen could shape her body into different shapes and move so freely. The slime of her body was very stiff and basically human flesh that looked like green slime. A month had passed of her struggling and from all the energy used fighting her obesity she had burned off slime from her body. Still plump she got to her feet finally explored the old fort she had been trapped in. She tried to open the Slime Queen’s chamber but found no way into it. She searched the place over, knowing that her body is limited. She found an old, discarded tome that shed some light on her slime abilities. The most basic of all being that she need to eat food or slime to produce more slime. Although, she had her fill of being pumped to the max with slime, she knew that was the only way of survival. She also found a page that explained how to change her form back to look human but it would use a considerable amount of slime to cast the spell. Maldelya had slimmed down to what would look like a 250lbs. woman. She didn’t have full mobility but she could walk and run at a certain speed. Caravans of supplies would pass on the road close to the old fort. She planned on raiding it for her slimy needs. She didn’t like that others would go hungry but it was for her own survival and for her eventual revenge on the Slime Queen. A caravan slowly traveled the road as Maldelya used her green hue to blend into the foliage on the road side. She stepped out in front of it, in the middle of the road. 

“By the gods!” screamed the old man driving the horses of the first cart. 

“I’m sorry but I need your food,” said Maldelya apologetically. 

“Grumo, there is a demon on the road that wants to eat us!” screamed the old man behind him. A large man in armor stepped out from around the cart with a greatsword ready. 

“Back demon!” yelled Grumo. At first Maldelya backed from him then she remembered that as slime she was immune to physical attacks. 

She stood up tall to him, “Just give me some of your food, I don’t eat people.” 

“Die!” yelled Grumo. He swag the greatsword through Maldelya’s abdomen and just like she had thought the blade travelled through her harmlessly. He continued to swing at her as she walked pass him and climbed into the cart. 

“Come out of there, demon!” yelled Grumo into the cart. 

“I’m not a demon, I’m a slime girl, stupid,” yelled Maldelya back to him. All his yelling and fruitless attacks annoyed her. She opened great sacks of food and pushed them into herself. The slime inside her bubbled and devoured the food. Also, she started to blow up like before. Annoyed and not paying attention she dumped a whole sack into herself. Her breasts blew up and filled the back of the cart, pushing against each side. Her butt also filled out and her ass tightly grew into the cart. 

“Oh no, I think I over did it,” she thought to herself as the cart started to creak. 

“It’s too much for us, it’s gaining strength. Abandon this cart, retreat to the others and let’s go now!” commanded Grumo. Maldelya cautiously watched her body balloon bigger and bigger, her belly filled out larger than it ever had. By the time the sides of the cart gave out to her expansion, the caravan was gone. The weight of her also made the wheels break and she rolled down the road. 

“Not this again!” she yelled in anger. 

Her body once again stuffed to the max and growing to the size of two cows. This time however she was propped up on her belly and butt. A few hours later she got to her knees then eventually her feet. She waddled very, very slowly back to the fort. The double doors of the fort never felt so narrow as she pushed her body through them and over to the tome. It took a tremendous amount of focusing but Maldelya was able to pull it off in time. Apparently, the town of Crystalgate heard of the swelling gel monster that attacked the supplies caravan. Heroes had come to slay the nasty beast but by the time they found the old fort and walked through the open doors, it was too late. 

“Show yourself, demon!” yelled a young warrior in full plate armor. He was followed by two other warriors that held their weapons out as well. Just moments before Maldelya had used her energy to learn how to change to look human and back. The young warriors blushed through their helmets at the sight of a nude Maldelya. She had slimmed down to normal again from casting the illusion spell. She had to come up with something quickly. 

She threw herself upon the lead warrior, “Help me, please! They demon kidnapped me and was attacking me before you go here. It took off all my clothing and was about to dress me in toppings before you showed up.” The youngsters believed every word of her fable. 

“Where is the demon now?” asked the warrior in the back of the trio. 

“In there,” Maldelya pointed to the sealed door to the Slime Queen’s chamber. 

“Do you think you could lean a lady some clothing?” asked Maldelya, poorly concealing her body with her hands. 

The three men took one article of clothing off to share with her, she got a shirt from one, pants from another, and boots from the third. As they tried to enter the Slime Queen’s chamber, Maldelya snuck out of the fort and into the world. It felt great to look human again but she need that she would need food again soon. This time she knew that she would have to eat it smarter. She couldn’t just stuff herself because she might grow out of control again. She thought at first she could eat just as much as a human to say alive but she soon found out her metabolism was much greater than before. She had to eat three times as much to stay her normal shape. Which made it impossible for her to get a job and pay for all the food that needed consuming. She had to resort to stealing food from the rich. Breaking in at night and stuffing as much meats and desserts as she could into a bag. For years she did this to survive and the robberies made her more and more infamous. She gained the name, the Raccoon. The night scavenger that takes all of your food. She tried her best to only take from the riches and fattest but she found it impossible to rob the same family twice. She used her sword fighting skills to fight off guards without killing them.

Twenty five years had passed since she had turned into a slime girl. She looked as if she had not aged a day from being made of pure slime. She collected all the tomes from the old fort near Crystalgate and put them in her hideout in the sewer of Phallengar, a much larger city than Crystalgate. She gained new abilities as she read through the tomes but she couldn’t decipher all of the tomes. She was able to push through bars and rejoin herself and she could transform some of her slime into clothing, so she never had to buy new clothing when her shape changed. Even though she could make her body into any shape, she chose to be very slim so that she could escape guards that chase her and if her bag grew too full of food she could eat some of it and still be able to escape. Her life was just the same thing over and over until one night she was attempting to rob a great general in his castle. Everything was going smoothly as she crept into the castle and pass the guards until she tripped over a tripwire in the courtyard. A net sprung from the ground she was standing on and pulled her up into a tree. She got a good grip on her sack and melted through the ropes. 

“That was the net trap over here!” yelled a guard in the distance. As Maldelya poured pass the cracks in the webbed rope she pulled the sack through the hole as well. She formed back into a human and ran away into the castle. She could hear the guards behind her, loudly stomping in their armor. Maldelya ran to the kitchen which she found by chance and knew there had to be a storeroom nearby. She found the storeroom and as she shut the door behind her she turned around to the grandest sight of food she had ever seen. There were rolls, pastries and meat of all kinds everywhere. She could not see the tables that they sat on, it looked as if they had just piled them all on the floor. Her belly growled for it had been a long while since she had last ate. The guards stomped towards the storeroom and Maldelya knew she had to hide. When the guards swag open the door and looked around. All they could see was the mounds of food everywhere. 

“Where did she go?” asked one guard. 

“I don’t know but she’ll come back for this food, don’t go far,” answered the other guard. 

Both guards left and Maldelya’s legs were getting tired. She had held herself up on the ceiling supports, just out of sight of the guards. Suddenly, she thought of how stupid it was to get up there. There was no way down but to fall, if she let go with either her arms or legs she’d fall on her head. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt her but she was right above the largest part of the food. Even with slime appendages, her limbs grew tired and she couldn’t afford to lose much more slime energy. She attempted to use momentum to sling herself away from the food but she slipped. Falling bottom-first towards the mountain of pastries. She landed hard on the table and she quickly stood and hurried away from the food. She turned and, in horror, saw the dent she put in the mound of food. There was a crater as big as herself in it. She lifted her black leather tunic to check the damage. She turned her skin to slime and saw that she was completely stuffed with food. The bubbling started inside her and her chest began to rise. She didn’t have much time she had to get farther from the food. For if she going too close she could grow and keep eating the food she touches. As she stepped forward, she felt resistance from her ass swelling in her black leather pants. She pushed on to the storeroom down, slowly more and more. She got as far as she could from the food but her ass filled up like beanbags and burst her pants. She had to stand still and feel her slime expand with energy. Her tits rapidly expanded and broke through her tunic with ease. When her rear end and chest were at ridiculous proportions her belly joined in. 

“No, no, no!” she loudly whispered to her own body. She couldn’t believe how fast she was growing, it had to be from the food being so sugary. 

“Did you hear that?” asked a guard outside the storeroom door. 

“I think she’s in the storeroom,” said the same guard. Maldelya prayed to the gods that her body would stop growing and she got her wish. Of course the expansion only stopped because the great amount of food in her depleted. She was huge once more and so fat that she couldn’t walk this time. It had been twenty-five years since she had been this heavy and she loathed it. She used her magic to produce another set of black leather clothing for her obese form. 

The guard opens the door and instantly spotted Maldelya, “Oh my gods!” 

“What is it?” asked the other guard outside. 

“You better take a look at this,” called out the guard looking upon Maldelya. He chuckled at her and she blushed heavily. The other guard popped his head around the corner. 

“What am I looking at?” asked the second guard.  

“I think that’s the Raccoon,” answers the first guard as he approaches Maldelya. 

“Why is she so … huge?” asked the second guard, entering the storeroom. 

“I’m not sure, I guess she ate herself this fat,” pondered the first guard. The first guard pointed to the large chunk of food that was missing from the room. 

“By the gods, she eats like a pack of wolves. Can she talk?” asked the second guard. 

“Yes, and I don’t want to hurt you so you better back off!” yelled Maldelya. The second guard took her bluff but the first guard approached her. 

“Step back, I’m a powerful wizard and I’ll turn you to a toad!” bluffed Maldelya. The first guard reached out and tapped Maldelya’s belly. He laughed at her fattened body as it giggled with his touch. 

“Really? If you can transform people then why are you as big as a cow?” asked the first guard. 

“I... “ this took Maldelya by surprised. Soon the second guard joined in with the first guard as they poked her body and questioned her. 

After getting no information from Maldelya the first guard said, “Put her in the dungeon.” 

“How exactly am I supposed to do that?” asked the second guard with much surprise. 

“She’s fat, roll her!” commanded the first guard who throw his cape before marching away. 

It was a strange sensation for Maldelya to feel the slime in her slosh around as the lone guard pushed her through corridors and narrow doorways. It took a hour but eventually down some steps and pass other guards, the guard rolled Maldelya into the dungeon. Luckily for the guard the door to the cell was very large and that was the easiest part of his job. Once her finally pushed Maldelya’s round body into the cell and locked it, he was completely exhausted. 

“Gods... save... me...” he muttered as he dragged his feet walking away. Maldelya was busy thinking of a way out when something ran into her. 

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know I had a guest,” said a man with a large blue blindfold on. He also had his hands bound behind his back. 

“I would love to chat with you but this blindfold not only blocks my vision but I can’t hear very well with it on either. So would you mind helping me out?” asked the man. 

Of course, he couldn’t wait for an answer so he felt his way along Maldelya. She could see the look on what was visible of his face that he was very confused at what he was feeling. He ran his head all the way to her hand and Maldelya pulled the blindfold off for him. His short blonde hair nearly sparkled in the dim light while he stumbled around. He blinked excessively to adjust his eyes. Once he could see correctly he was stunned at the visage of Maldelya. 

“God’s eyes, look at you!” said the man. 

“Shut up!” yelled Maldelya, highly embarrassed at her current size. The man was rather handsome for a dirty prisoner. 

“Well, all we got is each other so we might as well be friends,” the man smiled at her with fraudulent innocence. 

“I guess so. What are you in here for?” asked Maldelya. 

The man paced with his hands behind his back, “Just a simple misunderstanding that lead to an argument. Someone points the finger at me and here I am, bound and blinded. What are you in for?” 

“I ate some of the general’s food,” said Maldelya. She was subconsciously rubbing her belly and looking away from the blonde man. 

“Some? Looks like you took out the whole kitchen!” laughed the man. Maldelya turned to him to cut her eyes at him deep. 

“The way I see it, with an appetite like that. You could easily eat through these bars,” said the man, pointing to the bars with his head. 

“This sentence is going to take forever if I’m going to be insulted about my size all day,” huffed Maldelya. 

“Something’s not right about your story. No human in the world could eat that much and survive. I’m guessing curse,” winked the man. 

“Close enough,” muttered Maldelya. The man drew his attention to a clump of dirt on the floor and kicked it. 

“So why would a pretty girl like yourself go anger a wizard?” the man asked. 

“It was actually more like a slime queen,” Maldelya explained. The casualness of the man faded and he turned his full attention to Maldelya. 

“Slime queens don’t curse people, they turn them into thralls and consume their bodies. There’s no way a slime queen would curse you to feed like crazy. So don’t lie to me,” the man sounded genuinely serious. 

“Slime queens? There is more than one?” asked Maldelya. 

“There aren’t any! They were all wiped out a century ago by witch hunters. Even if this so-called slime queen cursed you, you’d be a slime and you’re not a slime,” said the man. Maldelya temporarily changed into her slime form and back while he was watching. 

“By the gods! You were serious... this is very interesting! A green slime girl no less, oh you are precious,” said the man with mounting excitement. 

“What’s so special about me being green?” asked Maldelya. 

“You’re independent, unlike the other colored thralls a slime queen can make. You could potentially become a slime queen yourself if you gained enough power,” the man said.  

“How do you know all that about slime queens?” asked Maldelya. 

“Oh, I’m a wizard. Couldn’t you tell? Why else would they bind my hands and cover my eyes? They think I’ll hex them but I wouldn’t do all that. Hexes are complicated, I’d just set them all on fire,” the man smiled again. He approached Maldelya and looked over her body with renewed interest. 

“The name’s Loursan by the way,” said Loursan. 

“Maldelya,” responded Maldelya. 

“Pretty name. Ok, Maldy, since you’re overloaded at the moment and I’m low on energy, you’re going to share some with me,” Loursan said very quickly. 

“Share what now?” asked Maldelya. 

“So don’t get offended by this,” said Loursan. He used the bridge of his nose to inch up her tunic and laid his face flat against her bare belly. Maldelya felt a tingling sensation on the spot that his face was laying. Subtly she started to deflate in size. Loursan’s hands glowed with magically light and the binds on his wrists burned off and freed his hands. 

“Now that is much better,” he said, massaging each of his shoulders. 

“You... shrank me,” said Maldelya. 

Loursan laughed, “No, I took of your energy. See, your slime is actually a physical form of magical energy. That is why it depletes whenever you use your abilities. Wizards as talented as myself can take that energy but not all of it. Sorry I couldn’t make you smaller, I’m sure you’re a real looker when you’re not stuffed to the brim with slime,” smiled Loursan. 

“Are you going to bust us out now?” asked Maldelya. She used her ability to re clothe herself because the last pair was too big after being drained by Loursan. 

“Why don’t you just divide and push through the bars? You could get the keys and we could sneak out. I want to hold onto this energy for a while, no need in wasting it all on fighting guards,” explained Loursan. 

“I can use a sword very well if I were thin enough. I can’t divide however, I haven’t learned that ability yet,” explained Maldelya. 

“You have to learn it?” asked Loursan. 

“What? All that knowledge of slime girls but you didn’t know we have to learn all our abilities?” asked Maldelya. 

Loursan frowned at her, “Fine, I’ll help.” 

When he raised his hand to Maldelya, she wanted to tell him to stop but he fired out a light from his fingertips into her. She felt her body pull in four directions. She soon saw three copies of herself all nude. In unison, they clothed themselves before Loursan could admire the view. 

“There you go, now you can move around,” said Loursan. The four Maldelyas were about her normal size and weight and all looked at each other in wonder.

They were completely identical, “This is weird, do we all have our own minds?” asked Maldelya. 

“I guess you didn’t learn that abilities either, Maldelya. Usually slime queens work as a hive mind which makes them so dangerous. However, with each one indepently thinking, it’s only a dangerous to yourself,” explaind Loursan. 

“Why is it dangerous to myself?” asked another Maldelya. 

“You’ll each think that the others are copies and expendable. You can easily turn on yourself as that part of you thinks they are the original. I hope to the gods that you like yourself or you might do yourself harm. You must all keep in mind that you ALL are Maldelya and when you rejoin, you’ll merge back into one,” explained Loursan. The Maldelyas cautiously looked each other over. Then one by one they pushed through the bars and picked up swords on the other side. 

“I’d love to swordfight myself,” laughed a Maldelya. 

“Another time, we have to get out of here,” said another Maldelya. 

“Don’t tell me what to do, I know just as well as you do what needs to be done,” barked the first Maldelya. 

“Ladies! If you wouldn’t mind releasing me,” yelled Loursan from inside the cell. All four Maldelyas forgot about him, still taking in that each one of them had copies to watch out for. One of them took up the keys that hung on the wall and opened to cell door for Loursan. 

“It’s best if we sneak out this way,” suggested Loursan pointing east. 

“The hell with that, I say we take the fight to them!” yelled a Maldelya. The others cheered her on. 

“They got their laughs in now its time we get to laugh!” yelled the same Maldelya. Just then a group of guards entered at the sound of all the yelling. 

“Hey, you lot! Get back into the cell!” yelled a guard. The other guard looked from Maldelya to Maldelya. 

“Why do they all look the same?” he asked nervously. 

“Magic, my dear friend. If you wouldn’t mind we are just going to leave, unless you want me to turn you into goats,” said Loursan. 

The nervous guard looked around anxiously but the lead guard charged at the slime girls. His fellow guards joined him and there was a guard for each copy of Maldelya to fight. Loursan ran the direction he had suggested eariler and the Maldelyas fought the guards on their way behind Loursan. The Maldelyas soon beat the guards, but they didn’t kill them. They used the sides of their swords to hurt them and physical contact to knock the guards out. The Maldelyas followed Loursan through empty corridors until they all got outside the castle with no other fights occurring. The Maldelyas all smiled at each other, proud of how their sword skills helped them escape. The moment was shattered by each one of them being blasted by a large beam of ice. One by one Loursan froze the Maldelyas until one was left unfrozen. Maldelya looked at her three frozen statue-like clones. 

“What are you doing?” demanded Maldelya. 

“Killing off the competition, of course,” Loursan answered so sadistically casual. 

“What?” asked Maldelya, pointing her sword at Loursan. 

“It’s like this, you didn’t need your copies. They would have fought you till you absorbed them so I helped you. That should repay you for rescuing me from that dungeon. However, I can’t just let you go though,” smiled Loursan. 

“What do you want from me?” asked Maldelya, standing her ground. 

“You of course. It’s not everyday you meet an independant slime and one of such weak power. You’re going to work for me from now on and do whatever task I set out for you,” his handsome face started to appear more sinister to Maldelya as he talked. 

“What if I refuse?” asked Maldelya, tightening her grip on her sword. 

“I’ll kill you like I did your friends,” said Loursan shortly. 

“T-they’re dead?” asked Maldelya. She looked closer at the three frozen copies of herself. 

“Yes, if a slime is completely frozen it dies. You can’t reabsorb them and when they finally melt they will be nothing but water. If you choose to defy me, you will fall victim to the same fate,” explained Loursan. 

“Like hell I will!” shouted Maldelya. She attempted to lunge forward at Loursan but her feet were firmly planted to the ground. She looked down to see that both her feet were frozen into ice. 

“You don’t want to do that anymore, if I keep freezing you you’re going to run out of slime and die. So how about this, you work for me and we’ll see how things go. Maybe I’ll even help you grow more powerful so you can one day be free to kill the slime queen that transformed you,” explained Loursan. He proudly stood before Maldelya who knew that she had been outmatched. 

She lowered her sword and Loursan said, “That a girl, it’s not slavery. I just have business that I need to attend to that you can help me with is all. All that energy.” He circled around her, “All that concentrated power in your slime. We’re going to do great and terrible things together. Who knows, maybe we’ll even have some fun doing it.” 

“What do you want to do with me?” asked Maldelya, her confidence draining out of her. 

“All in due time, milady. First, you’re going to follow me to your new home,” waved Loursan. The two walked away from the castle and into the neighboring forest.

Author's Note: 

A direct continuation of the previous story. It follows the life of Maldelya, the newly formed green slime girl, and how she coops with no longer being human. It doesn't have a ton of expansion in it but it sets up the story for more expansion in the future.

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